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There is no denying that when it comes to the SEO world, link building becomes your lifeline to success. I’m sure that bloggers have realized that by now. After years of figuring out how to top the search rankings, a lot of them have come to the conclusion that relying on social media alone will not do the trick.

How do they really make their websites visible?

There are two important factors in boosting up your search engine rankings – content and links that will direct people to your website. When you have high quality content, you will have more links that will point to the direction of your website.

The more your link is used, the better and higher your ranking becomes. Without backlinks, your site won’t be seen on the top 10 results in Google.

Consider this scenario: You are an entrepreneur looking to expand your business venture.

In order to do this, you need to build a strong personality – one that would appeal to other entrepreneurs within your niche and encourage them to build a connection with you.

Link building works in the exact same way.

In order to earn backlinks, you need to have a high quality content (strong personality) that would be appealing to other website owners, therefore, encouraging them to link to your website.

Google recognizes authority by looking at the number of links. With that, if a website has more than 10,000 links, it will be considered more authoritative than a website with 1,000 links.

Links gives a website power.

As more people scout for links, campaigning for one becomes near impossible.

However, in order to increase your website’s traffic, making link building your top priority will prove to be a great investment.

In this article, I’ll be talking about the link building tips you can follow to boost up your search engine rankings in 2018.

  1. Guest Posting

Also known as guest blogging, guest posting is one of the most effective way to secure a backlink to therefore increasing your website’s exposure.

What is it?

It is an SEO method wherein an influential person in a particular niche makes a post contribution to another person’s website in order to build connection, authority, and most especially, links.

How does it work?

It’s as simple as this: A particular blogger or website owner reaches out to you asking if you could create a guest posting on their website.

Then, you produce a write-up according to their requirements and in return, get a valuable backlink.

Since bloggers are on the constant look out for fresh and new ideas, they often find themselves looking to post high-quality content that would draw readers.

It’s essentially a win-win situation for both the blog owner and the guest blogger.

The guest owner attracts new readers and subscribers while the guest blogger gets rewarded by earning links that would increase their website’s traffic.


  1. Use Original Research

According to a SEMrush blog, 70% of the time, taking advantage of an original research data proves to be an effective strategy in link building.

Start off by picking a topic that the audience will find interesting. From there, collect, gather, and organize all the necessary data.

Publish your findings and make a fancy complementary blog post about your discovery by making use of charts and graphs.

And finally, share your hard work to the world.

The SEO industry feeds off from the content of each website. With a fresh and original data in the content, your site will has a high chance of earning more backlinks as an increasing number of people use it as a reference for their own posts.


  1. Scout for Broken Links

Even after so many years, this one is still proves to be an effective way in link building.

Here’s how it works:

Scan over a popular website within your niche to find a relative broken link.

When you do find a link that leads to a dead page, reach out to the blogger or site owner and inform them of the issue through an email.

This is then the time where you advertise your link as a replacement.

Browsing well-known website and prospecting for broken links may be time consuming but it is a perfect way to replace a broken link with one that works: Yours.


  1. Infographics

Infographics are probably the most shared content in the web which makes it a useful strategy in acquiring links.

Despite its popular use, it remains to be one of the most sought out strategy that bloggers utilize.

Why do infographics get shared a lot?

A lot of people aren’t really a fan of reading.

If you place a 1000-word article and a summary together and let the people choose, many would opt to read the summarized version.

It’s simply a matter of convenience.

Reading a 1,000-word article can be boring and time consuming while a summary would inform you of the points directly.


To Wrap it Up…

If there is one key takeaway that I would like to leave my audience here, it’s that: link building is a crucial strategy in your website’s SEO.

If you want your website to strive in the competitive world of SEO Philippines, you need to focus and invest your time and effort in creating links.

Start by building up and improving your content. Offering a top-notch content can offer a great value for a content and would definitely get you noticed thus help you achieve visibility on the web.