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One of the things you will have to deal with sooner or later when you start an online business is your potential shoppers’ tendency to abandon their carts. To combat the problem, you should start sending cart abandonment emails to deliver exceptional CTAs that will, ultimately, make your shoppers buy your products.

Getting yourself in the world of email marketing and cart abandonment emails can be easy.What you need is an irresistible CTA and a great email marketing platform like Moosend or Mailchimp to give you all the necessary tools to deliver the best cart abandonment emails ever. Now, before we take a look at some amazing cart abandonment examples, let’s see some of the reasons why your customers leave their carts behind.

Reasons for Cart Abandonment

First of all, to create the perfect email, you need to get yourself acquainted with the reasons that lead customers towards abandonment.
According to a study by the Baymard Institute, extra or too high shipping costs are the number one reason why customers usually abandon their cart during checkout. Shipping costs can discourage customers who will sometimes come across shipping costs that are two or three times higher than the price of the product.

Here’s an example:

Non matching cost

Non matching cost

Complicated checkout processes or asking your customers to create an account when they could simply finish their order as guests can also discourage them and lead them one step further away.

Apart from that, non-user-friendly websites can also be a major deal-breaker for your customers who want to finish their order as fast as possible and continue with their daily tasks.

So, if you want to avoid that, you should always remember that when you create a landing page or an amazing product page you should make them responsive and easy to interact with.

Lastly, one of the things that can disengage your customers with their carts is poor return policies and slow delivery.

If your store has a bad reputation for both of these issues and your customer finds out before completing their order, then you’ve probably lost them forever.

Staying true to your promises and improving the aspects that can lead to cart abandonment will help you improve your customer success, increase your revenue and reduce your cart abandonment rate successfully.

Cart Abandonment Emails: Your Secret Conversion Weapon

Now, cart abandonment emails might look like regular emails but the conversion power they hold is immense.

According to a case study by MarketingSherpa, envelope seller managed to achieve higher open, click-through and conversion rates with a series of cart abandonment emails that targeted their diverse audience separately. Here are the open, click-through and conversion rates of their cart abandonment email on the day after abandonment:

Email performance after cart abandonment

Email performance after cart abandonment

Overall, the case study pointed out that the company managed to cut its cart abandonment rate by 40% within two years after the implementation of its email series resulting in an amazing 65% increase in conversions.

Combating the problem of cart abandonment is absolutely necessary to ensure that your customer lifecycle marketing endeavors will be successful and achieve long-term growth.

Now, Let’s See 4 Cart Abandonment Email Examples You Need For The Future

1. MAC’s Use of Gifs

The era of text and static images has come to an end.
However, some brands will still use old practices and forget that cart abandoners belong to a generation that has at its disposal powerful digital means to receive information.

So, if you want to make your abandoners click on your CTA and recover your revenue, then you need something more than this:

Creative email use

Creative email use

If you want to be victorious in 2020, then you need an all-powerful abandoned cart email that will leverage the power of graphics and animations.
Here’s how Mac does it:

Forgetting something?

Forgetting something?

Since a lot of brands use similar templates and images, recipients have become tired of looking at the same email coming from different senders.

Instead, you should take advantage of your audience’s love of animation, gifs, and videos, and incorporate them into your campaign to deliver something that will excite and make them wonder.
And while Mac’s animated gif is nothing special, it makes the email look more dynamic and gives its cart abandoners a fresh email that leaves them speechless.

2. Dollar Shave Club’s Social Proof

Unfortunately, scams are and will still be on the rise in 2020, creating numerous challenges for both brands and consumers.
If you think about it, your customers are constantly bombarded with numerous emails every single day, with half of them belonging to scammers or fake companies. So, what you need to avoid ending up in their trash is to craft an abandoned cart email that will lead them to the right place without the fear of being tricked.
Dollar Shave Club, for instance, is a master of creating and delivering amazing recovery emails that successfully attract their abandoners’ attention and make them complete their orders.

Now, let’s take a look at their email and why your 2020 cart abandonment strategy should have a similar one:

Cart abandonment email strategy

Cart abandonment email strategy

To increase its email efficiency and re-engage their abandoners with their cart, the brand uses one of the best tactics that boost credibility.

Using social proof helps the brand solve one of the greatest problems that discourage customers from trusting online stores and making purchases.

Showing your customers that your products actually work and that they aren’t part of a grand scam to grab their money can be your greatest weapon to win the game of cart abandonment and have satisfied customers who will buy more.

3. Joybird’s Use of Video Elements

Giving amazing extra discounts, warranties and free shipping is usually your recipe to great successful recovery emails.
However, there is an extra secret ingredient that Joybird had added to their email recipe to guarantee the success of the email.

Let’s take a look:

Cart abandonment email video

Cart abandonment email video

If you didn’t notice, the brand’s secret ingredient is a powerful video CTA that is strategically placed in their email body to answer customer questions and show them the perks of buying their products.

With a well-crafted video and a friendly face that gives customers further insight, Joybird achieves to break the cart abandonment tradition and delivers something that abandoners haven’t seen in a cart abandonment email before.

If you want to take advantage of Joybird’s incredible tactic, then you should also consider fusing your cart abandonment emails with video elements that will show them why they need your amazing products in their lives.

4. Dote’s Humorous Content

As we said before, brands have the tendency to come up with similar recovery emails that have the same repetitive “forgot something?” or “still interested?” catchphrases.

While the forgot-something-in-your-bag assumption has been quite successful, brands should really look into the future and find what will excite your abandoners and make them click without making them feel bored.

For Dote, this happens with humor:

Cart abandonment email humour

Cart abandonment email humour

Dote’s cart abandonment email takes advantage of humorous copywriting to deliver a different take on the traditional recovery email.

While it lacks the traditional discount incentive and forgot-something assumption, Dote manages to deliver an amazing email that will put a smile on the recipient’s face.

Creative and innovative content is actually your weapon to break redundancy and give your abandoners a reason to buy from you.

For Dote, focusing on giving an amazing experience with the brand itself instead of giving a simple discount is enough to build a connection with their abandoners and make them appreciate their brand for its creative spirit.


Finding the most cost-effective way to recover your lost revenue can be your secret weapon to minimize loss and promote your growth.

To create the perfect cart abandonment formula for the future you first need to know your target audience and then give them all the right reasons to go back to your website and complete their purchase.

So, if you want to have the best cart abandonment campaigns out there, take a look at this article, get inspired and create the best recovery emails to kiss cart abandonment goodbye in 2020.

Author bio

Marilia Dimitriou is a Creative Writer working for email marketing software Moosend. Her passion for writing has made her find new ways to combine the art of Creative Writing with SEO Copywriting. When she’s not writing articles, you’ll find her enthusing over marketing tech and automation.