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Ways to inspire social media hype for your product

Ways to inspire social media hype for your product

Wherever you look, brands are trying to grab our attention one way or another. There’s a lovely and funky billboard that screams “hey, you, yes, you, look at me!” that announces the opening of a new store around the corner. Then there’s the flashy ad on an influencer’s blog that knows exactly that you’ve been looking for new gym leggings recently. Not to mention the social media ads that interrupt your favorite cat videos, and the cute contests set up by major companies to generate interest.
All of these strategies are legitimate and perfectly successful for a wide range of different brands. They, however, don’t always drive up interest among the right audience, and they don’t always ring true for the business in question. So, in a sea of so many brands trying so hard to generate attention as well as affection, your efforts do need to stand out, especially on social networks so overcrowded with ads, videos, and polls. Here are a few suggestions to make your social strategies buzz-worthy for your upcoming collection of products!

Influencer bonds front and center

Influencer bonds

Influencer bonds

Imagine this: your influencer posting an image on Instagram with a caption that says “can you guess what #yourbrandhere has started cookin’ for you?” and just a snippet of your new project, un unopened gift box, or something even more enticing in the picture. With their follower count and your genuine success to back up their interest, they’ll likely start guessing, especially if there’s a reward for the closest guess out there.
As time goes by, more posts like that, some more revelatory than others, some with more details to show off your ingenuity and trends you’re about to stir and create, will inevitably cause their followers to generate more engagement and start more conversations on the same topics. More website visits will ensue, and more followers will be happy to keep an eye on your Instagram page!

Get creative with your videos

Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube are the proof you need to understand just how visual we are. Now that Facebook has its live feature, and so many videos pop up every second of every day, your videos need to be “click-worthy” and maintain interest so that your soon-to-be product will generate enough buzz online. To create enticing videos, many brands choose to work with a reputable video production company that has the expertise and the experience to spark interest and animate your followers in a matter of a few well-timed posts.
No matter the platform, videos need to be in line with certain rules, trends, and format preferences of your audience, all of which your agency of choice already understands. The visuals meant to cause some positive commotion among your social media audience should be in line with your brand, but they also need to be authentic and “loud” enough to speak to your followers in a matter of moments. Anything from “behind the scenes” content, all the way to showing off the creative process behind the product can aid in building the right buzz.

Polls and contests done right

Polls and contests done right

Polls and contests done right

Social media platforms are meant to be interactive. People create their profiles not just as passive observers, but as active participants that actually create the world they so gladly consume online. So, brands nowadays choose to tailor their social content to be more interactive in nature, and polls and contests are perfect for generating interest as well as determining the qualities of the future product that would be most beneficial for your customers.
Polls are wonderful opportunities to find out what your potential buyers will be interested in when it comes to your upcoming product collection. Alternatively, contests with mystery prizes related to your new collection can be another great way to test the waters for your new product, inspire first reviews as soon as the product launches, and of course, make those first several customers feel extra special for having the opportunity to try out your latest invention.

Kick-start a pre-order list

A particularly brilliant way to help your customers and social media followers feel special is to allow them to join a “waiting list” for the first batch of your new products. Of course, it doesn’t have to be something as high-end as the latest iPhone, but it should be something that your followers will know to be unique and of interest to their lifestyle, in line with your brand.
Add links to a special landing page that will allow them to sign up for your product, and they can also get future promotional deals, which means expanding on your email list. The posts where you promote your fresh “sign up” sings can be used to add bits and pieces of the story, to keep the narrative of your new product alive and unraveling.

Social networks are wells of attention and engagement just waiting for your brand to make use of them. When you’re getting ready to launch a new product and you’d like to create an army of interested followers ready to make a purchase well before you start selling, these platforms are your best bet for success. Use these tactics to maximize the effectiveness of your social campaigns and start your pre-launch promotions!

We have Raul to thank for this post. He is the editor in chief at Technivorz blog. He has a lot to say about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing.