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Whois domain name IP address tool

Whois domain name IP address tool

Whois, domain name, IP address tools is a versatile website toolkit most website owners and webmasters will find very useful.
It provide basic information about a web address such as a domain name availability or nonavailability, it suggests alternative domain names where the desired domain name is not available.

Domain name IP address tools also provides comprehensive web address information including IP address, detailed information about the remote server such as the kind of OS software running it is running, what version, what dependencies etc etc. This whois domain IP address tool script is an invaluable tool for finding information about websites, IP address and other domain related information, some of the features of the script are:

– Check domain name availability.
– Suggest domain names.
– Suggest alternative domain names.
– Find out your own IP address.
– Find out the IP address of a remote user or server.
– Find out information about a website.
– Find out information about a remote server.
– Search the web using Google
– Basic domain searches.
– Complex web address searches.

– whois search for any TLD
– search for IP
– search for name servers
– search for sub domain info
– search on the ARIN database
– do simultaneous search for the queried name for other five popular TLD
– display the domain web page screen shoot(if this active)
– domain name suggestion based to real words combination
– display the domain daily traffic trend
– display the domain search visits percent
– display the domain daily reach percent
– display the domain daily page views percent
– display the Google PR
– display the Alexa index
– display the MSN back links
– display the Yahoo back links
The script is made available free of charge by If you need more information about the script including download information please use the contact form on this page.

You can see a live version of this script at Whois UK. If you are using the script and need support, just comment on this blog and we will get back to you.
