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Nowadays, operating dependable equipment and reducing losses due to their maintenance is vital to running modern industrial businesses successfully. Such Wireless condition monitoring has thus been widely recognized as a viable tool to achieve the aforementioned goals. This particular technology is useful in realizing the actual condition of the machinery and anticipating potential failure thus enabling maintenance to be done before the occurrence of a failure. The following article discusses the specifics of wireless condition monitoring systems deployment and seeks to provide recommendations on how to achieve the highest outcome.

Define Clear Objectives

Hence, similar to any wireless condition monitoring system, it will be appropriate to set realistic goals when planning to implement the system. First of all, it is crucial to understand the primary goal of implementing the presented strategies: Is it minimizing equipment downtime, optimizing maintenance intervals, or increasing equipment availability? The setting of goals will help define where the system should be deployed and also let us measure its effectiveness.

Choose the Right Technology

It depends on the type of business and its needs that a business can select to adopt the appropriate technology. There are many types of WMSs, with different functions and performance levels felt within a given environment. Other aspects to take into consideration include the kind of sensors expected, the distances involved in data transmission, and the integration of the wireless system into the structure. When selecting the system, you should make sure that the numbers being inputted into it are more accurate and reliable.

Focus on Critical Equipment First

Time is best used to perform control activities that are most relevant to the key assets of your operation. Begin with the machinery that affects production the most or vice versa is also effective depending on available resources. For example, the use of wireless vibration monitoring solutions for critical equipment such as turbines, pumps, and motors offers an efficient way to identify problems that can cause massive downtime or pricey repairs.

Maximizing Performance Best Practices for Deploying Wireless Condition Monitoring

Ensure Proper Sensor Placement

Wireless condition monitoring is a highly effective solution when it comes to the internals of the equipment where sensors need to be placed. The placement of sensors should be strategically done in areas that will yield the best results as far as determining any possible problems are concerned. This often involves jobs near bearings, gears, or other sensitive parts; several workers may be exposed to possible carcinogens while on the job. Which when properly placed, enables the system to capture the right readings, and hence, leads to more realistic results.

The designated Data Management Plan 

Wireless condition monitoring systems mean a large amount of data can be gathered thus the data gathered may be voluminous and complicated. The amount of information generated is set to rise dramatically, and therefore, it is pertinent that a good mechanism that can handle this flow of information is developed. Analyze the big data using the statistical models and Pi and machine algorithms to predict the misbehaviors and irregularities. This means that habitual data handling should be able to convert raw data into useful data.

Train Your Team

In particular, the administration of a well-deployed system will only be as effective as the team that controls it. Ensure that your maintenance and operations teams receive sound training programs. Make sure they know how the monitoring system works together, read the results, and make decisions based on the information coming from it. In this case, we predict that the maximization of the system with skilled personnel shall enhance the improvement of the equipment.


Wireless condition monitoring can be used to improve the reliability of the equipment in use and the efficiency and productivity of functions within an organization. In summary, the following methods should be employed to achieve the maximum performance of your monitoring efforts: First, set realistic goals, second, select the right technology that can be effectively used for your specific task, third, concentrate on the main equipment, fourth, make sure that the sensors are located in the right places, fifth, always provide proper management of the data, sixth, educate your team, and, finally, seventh, always evaluate the For this reason, adopting this technology not only points to failures but also change from insurance to prevention, which makes it easier to run activities.