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As more businesses look to establish an online presence, creating a website isn’t enough to generate interest. You need to implement a comprehensive online marketing strategy that boosts your presence online. In comes SEO, which helps your business climb the ranks of search engines. Within SEO, business blogs can play a vital role in attracting visitors to your website. Doing so will lead to the following benefits:

More traffic

Blogs can help enhance your SEO strategy as they present you with a chance to constantly update your website, which search engines like. You can also use your targeted keywords within blogs, which will build your keyword strength for search engines. Moreover, blogs allow you to brand your business as an authority in the industry. The more valuable information you provide, the more popular your business gets. All of which will help generate more traffic to your website.

Helps build a relationship with prospects

Each post you put up gives potential customers insights into your knowledge of the industry. This allows them to determine exactly how well your business knows the industry. At the same time, blogs enable you to engage with your prospects through comments. They can ask you questions, give you feedback, and so on. This helps form a bond with your audience even before they opt for your solution.

Starting a blog isn’t rocket science, it is high time your business got on the blogging boat. But there is a science to blogging itself and the following commandments will help you get started:

Courtesy of
Beginners Blogging Commandments Infographic: 10 blogging tips for beginners
If you truly value your business, blogging should be a part of your online marketing strategy. It will help your business take leaps in search engines, leading to more leads and customers.