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Today, every business needs innovation in their business strategy. Without using innovative tools and techniques no business can survive in today’s throat-cut competitive world. Any business that makes money online through its website has to make SEO a first priority if a motive is to dominate the world in a long run. Showing up in the search engine result pages when someone is looking for what you sell (whether it’s product or services) is quite simply one of the best methods to make sure customers can find you, but getting your keywords ranked on the first page is quite competitive. It takes continuous effort to rank your website on the top position.


Here are seven significant strategies you should be doing to improve your e-commerce website’s SEO so you start reaching more of your customers on daily basis.


Thorough keyword research

Keyword research is a significant step in any SEO plan because it’s one of the best methods to learn what your customers are searching and thinking about. If you don’t focus on what your customers are thinking to search for any particular product, then you could end up putting a lot of effort into trying to rank for the wrong things. Keyword research helps you to find out the potential key phrases what your customers are actually looking for on the web.


There are many useful tools available online which can help you to find out your potential keywords or key phrases easily and instantly without making an extra effort. The top of the list is Google’s Keyword Planner Tool, which helps you to find significant search terms with search volumes. Using this tool you get to know the monthly searches for a particular keyword or key phrases. There are also a number of paid tools available which help you organize the keywords and topic ideas you come up with in your research, such as the SEMRush and Moz Keyword Explorer.


Use on-site Optimization in a Proper Way

On-page optimization is one of the best ways through which you can get good ranking quickly for your desired keywords. Unless you do On-page optimization in a proper way, you can’t aspect any kind of fruitful results no matter how effective and powerful your Off-page activities are. For every page you need to optimize your website in a proper way using meta title, meta description etc.. Apart from this there are numerous things which you need to take care of have been mentioned below:-


URL – The URL of the page should include the keyword which you want to rank for. For example, if you have a page that talks about Best in Brisbane, then your URL could be something like


Title – Your title tags play a significant role in organic search and it should clearly communicate what’s on the page and incorporate your chosen keyword. That’s how you get top ranking for your targeted keywords.


Headings – Using headings in your content make your content more structured and readable for the users as well as it helps search engines to understand your page in a better way. It also gives you additional opportunities to include relevant or targeted keywords which you want to rank for. Using <h1>, <h2>, and <h3> tags make allows search engines to upgrade your site for better ranking.


Image alt tags – Image alt tags attribute specifies an alternate text for an image if the image is not displayed. The alt attribute offers alternative information for an image.


Meta description – Your Meta description won’t influence your ranking, but it will show up in the search results page. By reading your Meta description text a searcher decides whether he has to click on the link or not.


Astonishingly, most of the websites don’t care about this part of on-page activities.


Make sure your site structure is intuitive

Make sure your site architecture is organized in a proper manner. A simple website generally contains five main categories, and a few pages are included under each category as per the need but here in an e-commerce website, there may be thousands of categories and subcategories and thousands of product pages.


If possible, you plan out your site structure in advance prior to the designing & development get started, but if you don’t take care of these structural part then you may be in a trouble in a long run. You need to take the time to sit down and work out the main categories present on your website. You can simply start organizing the pages you already have better and have a structure defined for the ones you’ll add in the future.


Provide detailed information on your product pages

If your product pages don’t have detailed information related to the product you want your customer to buy, then chances are your customer will leave the page due to lack of detailed information as it doesn’t tell your potential customer much about what makes the product worth buying. You need to take some time to craft descriptions of your products that provide more information to readers and search engines.


Create relevant, high-quality content.

As we know content is the kind in today’s online marketing scenario. Publishing fresh content allows the search engines know your website is up-to-date – Google doesn’t want to rank website which is not getting updated on a regular interval.

It allows you to start targeting a high number of long-tail keywords. These are an easier way to rank for and the more you start to rank for long-tail keywords, the stronger your website authority will be in the sight of Google.

This part of SEO is quite typical and needs time, money, patience and proper planning. But without a content marketing strategy, you’ll have a hard time getting very far. Start working on a content strategy that answers the questions your audience has and includes the keywords you compiled in your research.


Promote your content

Writing high-quality content is not enough so, you also need to promote your content on    different channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and so on.

This SEO movie can help you with promotion. It has many useful information for SEO gurus.


Build links

This step might be the hardest part of doing SEO in today’s scenario. Having high-quality, relevant websites include links back to your website is the key factor in how Google decides who to rank on top. So, you only need to focus on creating effective and high authority links which help your website to improve ranking in SERP.


Conclusion: Without using an effective and powerful marketing strategy, it’s impossible to dominate the competitors in any industry or domain. Using above given SEO tips and tricks, one can simply grow their site’s visibility in Search engines. The key factor is to organize SEO things in a proper way keeping in mind the search engine Guidelines.


Author Bio – Joel House is author, entrepreneur and founder of SEO company called Joel house Search media. He has helped many companies which are looking to do best in Brisbane. Joel likes reading books and have been studying, growing in digital marketing from past 10 years.