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Copywriting tips

Copywriting tips

Copywriting has a powerful way of compelling people to purchase what you are trying to sell. That is, if it’s well-written. It can tell a powerful story, answer questions and objections, offer solutions and be just what the reader wants.

It’s a salesman in text, saying all the right words. On the flip side, if the copy sucks, you are not going to convert much. Want to learn how to write better copy? Here are some tips:

Answer objections

The purpose of your copy is to answer any objections that a user might have. Is it too expensive for your average user – convince them that value far surpasses the price. Are they unsure if it’s useful for them? Mention all of the benefits that add to their lifestyle. Make sure that you are aware of the difference between features and benefits so that you can accurately present what the reader wants to know. For example, a feature of a phone may be that it has a very strong battery, but a benefit for the user is that it can last for two days. Use the reader’s own language to tell them what the product can do for them.

You have to be able to predict these objections and answer them before the user gives up on the purchase. This is what copy is for, to be a salesman when a salesman is not around and say all of the right things at the right time.


Research your audience and adjust your copy to your user and their preferences. You can use their name in the email copy, send them products – and copy – for products that they might like and so on. You need to conduct serious research before you can dive into the copy. Learn about the audience, what drives them, what makes them tick, what they need from you and you product. Learn what jargon they use – or not use – and then use it in your copy. Don’t be too formal, but rather be conversational and friendly. As mentioned in the previous point, learn about their doubts and objections as well and then offer answers and solutions. When you know about your audience, you can adjust and target the copy further and thus directly impact the emotions of the people you are selling to.

Show your human side

People are tired of brands that are just concerned with selling. They want more, they want real connection. So, you can talk to them as a human being – make your copy a personal letter to them. Show them why you think your product will help. Show them how it helped you. There are many things you can do to show your human side. Admit some of your mistakes or shortfalls. Even saying “We know that this product/service won’t solve all of your problems, but it will at the very least solve one”. This way, you show them the humility that salesmen and brands don’t often show. It’s going to make you stand out, it’s going to catch them off guard and they will see you in different light. Offer some personal stories as well and share what you believe is right for your audience.

Adjust your language

Your tone of voice needs to match your branding and your audience at the same time. You can’t just be formal when your product are surfing boards and your audience an average surfer. Would it sell? No.

You have to position yourself as a surfer yourself and think about all of the things that a surfer would consider important. You have to talk in their voice. You can even use jargon – but not in a way that would seem obvious that you are not a surfer. Make it flow, make it work. It should be natural and simple.

Include a CTA

So, you’ve told a great story – great! But what is the user supposed to do now? Walk away? Buy? Where? Why?

This is why you need a CTA – to show the readers exactly what to do after they’ve read your copy. A CTA or a call to action is that button that says “buy now”, “read more”, “learn more” and so on. It’s there as a cherry on top of your copy and it’s supposed to lead your audience to your desired pages when you can further convince them to buy in with your great copy.

Make them feel something

People are always looking for things that will make them feel something. It’s never about the product per se, but the story that comes with it. For example, women don’t buy red lipstick because it’s practical, but rather the story of power and femininity that comes with it – the sex appeal, the mystery etc. They don’t buy Rolex because it’s practical either – a $5 watch would do the job – but rather for the powerful message it sends and how it makes them feel.

Every product makes users feel something and that’s what you have to play to if you want to be effective in selling.

Tell a story

There is power in storytelling. We are inclined to listen to stories, get engaged and respond emotionally to them. Our ancestors used to transfer information through stories and so can you. Make the story relevant to your audience. Make it have a hero with the same struggles that your audience has. Then, offer the solution.

This is a way to build connection between you and your audience and as such, it’s very effective in helping users make a decision. They can imagine themselves in the story.

Use sensory, powerful words to evoke emotion and get a reaction out of them.

Great copy has the power to convince. It’s based in simplicity and conversation. In order to write it properly, you have to understand user psychology and their needs and wants. You have to respond to both the emotional and the rational side of the decision making. Good copy does that. Start with good research and follow these tips in order to be persuasive.

Author’s Bio
Nora Mork Is a marketing journalist at UK Writings and Boom Essays. She regularly shares her experience by speaking at marketing events, and writing for Essay Roo service blog.