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By definition, any buyer loves a promotion. As it is cheaper, it brings an “incentive”, that doubles the amount to a value far below the real one, it definitely works. In any kind of niche, a distinct area of promotions is highly visited, any online store manager can tell you that, but how can someone take full benefits of a just launched promotion?
Specifically, a promotion requires an investment and ideally some communications strategy along with a perfect placement with a proper graphics signal. Regardless of value, if visibility is low you will be able to cover only 5-10% of sales potential through a promotion.

What do you do with a promotion?

In most ecommerce websites, a promotion can be found 99% of the times in home page (top position – that is the banner looking good and promising discounts and so on) or in a special category if it exists.
The first variant is visually expressed, with a full “call to action” graphic but suffering from a major minus: clicking the banner takes you to a landing page which is absolutely normal – a product page or a selected listing without any graphic or text message that would undertake and sustain the curiosity of visitors.

In the second variant, a small button is located in the header or footer signaling you that there is something going one, but nothing too visible. As for the first variant as well, the click is followed by a not so optimised landing page for the promotion.

Both works, but the earnings would be noticeably higher if instead of a simple strategy like the ones above you would build up more on this theme, making use of all tools that can monetize a promotion.

Here are some ways that can help your promotion have more success:

– Use a call to action banner on homepage
– Top page positioning in category listing
– Cross selling in product pages
– Affiliate marketing campaign
– Article marketing and press release
– Article about the promotion on company blog
– Adwords campaign
– Sponsored bloggers writing about your campaign
– Email marketing campaign
– Dedicated feed sales and newsletter
– Offline advertising campaign

These will definitely increase your promotion exposure thus raising the flags when it comes to online earnings from your virtual ecommerce site.